1. Server Migration

We are now fully operating on our new servers, and aside from a few problems with hotlinking images, we seem to be stable. We have had very little downtime since the move and what downtime we have had has been dealt with extremely quickly. Thank you all once again for your patience during the move!

  1. Christmas

As you know, I leave for New Zealand in just over one week and I will be gone for a month. I am taking my trusty Mac and will be monitoring the site and posting at least one article per day. You may find that I am commenting less because I will be spending time with family and friends and enjoying lots of good New Zealand wine. I will be back here on the 19th of January. This leads me to remind you – you now have only a few days left in which to get your Christmas Competition entries in. I will not accept any entries after midnight UTC on the 15th of December. 3. RSS Feed

I have modified the RSS feed so that it now shows the first item and full description of the list. I am hoping that this will inspire more people to come to the site from the feed. One side-effect of this has been that you will have noticed all of the items from the previous week showing up in the feed as unread. This will only happen the once.

  1. Facebook Application

I have been struggling for weeks in my spare time to create a List Universe Application for Facebook and I am happy to announce that I finally finished it! You can see it in the screenshot above. Be sure to install it so all your friends can hear about the List Universe and join in the fun! Install the List Universe Facebook application 5. Logo Competition

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A Month In Review   December - 72A Month In Review   December - 57A Month In Review   December - 20A Month In Review   December - 36A Month In Review   December - 3A Month In Review   December - 4A Month In Review   December - 62A Month In Review   December - 5A Month In Review   December - 41A Month In Review   December - 51A Month In Review   December - 5A Month In Review   December - 80A Month In Review   December - 89A Month In Review   December - 1